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Al Barsha Al Twar

Elementary School (Grades 1-3)
1. Passing and promotion

a)A student is promoted to the next grade when he / she gets the minimum mark of (50) in all subjects.                                                                               b) A student is promoted to the next grade when he / she passes all subjects except one subject regardless of the achieved mark.     

2. Failing and Repeating

     a) A student fails and must repeat his / her grade if he / she fails two or more subjects.                                                                                                    b)     The principal is authorized to retain a student in his/her grade if he/she passes but with weak results.  In this case :

i.          The parent must fill out a special retention form and endorse it. 

ii.         The decision of a grade level retention should be approved by  the :

1.                  Principal

2.                  Class Advisor

3.                  Section Supervisor

3.Re-exams                                                                                                                 No re-exams are allowed at this level.             
Elementary School (Grades 4-6)

1. Passing and Promotion :  A student passes and is promoted when he / she gets  the minimum mark of (50 %) in all subjects.

2. Exceptional Passing :   A student in Grades 4 – 6 exceptionally passes to the next grade when he / she gets the minimum mark in all subjects and according to the following conditions and exceptions.

      a) With the exception of one subject provided it is 4 marks short of the minimum mark for passing.                                                                     b) With the exception of two subjects provided each one of the subject is 2 marks short of the minimum mark for passing.                                                                                                c) With the exception of two subjects where one is 3 marks short and the other  subject is one mark short of the minimum mark for passing.             d) Exceptional passing does not apply to Arabic subject.                           e) The final mark acquired by the student shall remain unchanged and will   be circled out with red with a written remark “ Exceptional Passing ”.           f) Exceptional passing is applied on Final Exams and Re-Exams.               g) Exceptional passing does not apply when the student fails more than two subjects.

3. Re-Exams                                                                                                                  A student is entitled to sit for re-exams in the following cases :

           a) Failing one subject provided it is not more than 4 marks short of the minimum passing mark.                                                                                                     b)Failing two subjects provided the total missing mark does not exceed 4 marks.                                                                                                   c)Failing three subjects                                                                            d)Being absent from the Final Exams with approved excuse no matter how many  subjects he / she missed.                               


4. Failing                                                                                                                       A student fails and must repeat the same grade if he / she fails in four or more subjects.                                                                                                                

Important Note :                                                                                                          Re-exam materials will be comprehensive to cover all important chapters studied throughout the academic year.   Check table “X”.

 5. Non-Muslims are not required to take the Islamic Studies Exams.

Intermediate (Grades 7-9)

1. Passing and promotion

     a)A student passes and moves to the next grade when he / she gets the minimum mark of (50) in all subjects.                                                       b)     The “ critical ”  mark :   A student is considered to have a critical mark in a subject if he / she gets one or two marks less than a minimum mark for that subject  (48 or 49) no matter how many subjects are involved.   In this case, the mark will be raised to (50),  calculated in the total mark and registered as (50).

2. Re-exams
A student is entitled to take re-exams in the following cases :          

a)   Failing one, two or three subjects.                                        b)   Being absent from the 3rd Term Final Exams with approved excuse.                                                                                 c)   Being absent from the 1st or  2nd or 3rd Final exams with approved excuse. He/she is entitled to take the make-up exam right after the end of the term.   In case he / she fails to attend this   exam he / she will get a zero mark.                                    

3.Important Note:                                                                                      Re-exam materials will be comprehensive to cover all important chapters studied throughout the academic year.   Check table “X”

 3. Non-Muslims are not required to take the Islamic Studies exams. 

High School (Grades 10-12)

1. Passing and Promotion : 

     a)A student passes when he / she gets the minimum mark of (50) in Islamic, Arabic and of (60) in the rest of the subjects.

 2.Critical Marks   

     a)A student is considered to have a critical mark in Islamic and Arabic if he/she gets one or two marks less than the minimum mark for those subjects (48 or 49).   In this case, the mark will  be raised to (50), calculated in the total mark and registered as 50.                                                                                   b)    A student is considered to have a critical mark in the remaining subjects if he/she gets one, two or three marks less than the minimum mark for those subject (57, 58,59) no matter how many subjects are involved.  In this case ,the mark will be raised to (60) calculated in the total mark and registered as (60).

3.  Re-Exams :                                                                                                               A student is entitled to sit for a re-exam in the following cases:  

a)Failing a maximum of three subjects.                                                    b)Being absent from the 3rd Term Final Exams with an official approved excuse.                                                                                  c)  Being absent from the 1st or  2nd or  3rd Final Exams     with  an official approved excuse.He/she is entitled to sit for a make-up exam right after   the  end of the term.  In case he/she fails to a zero mark. 

Optional Cases :                                                                                       A twelfth grader can choose to study either Chemistry or Accounting.  

Important Note:                                                                                      Re-exam materials will be comprehensive to cover all important chapters studied throughout the academic year.

 4.  Non-Muslims are not required to take the Islamic Studies Exams.                      

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